Things are better in two’s. Batman and Robin, cookies and cream, and now another dose of Lacy Sturm to help get us to festival season!
Lacey Sturm is one of the founding members of Flyleaf and its former vocalist. She is currently a mother, a musician, and author as well. National Rock Review recently reviewed her first solo album, Life Screams. In a very nice twist of the Music God’s favor, we first got to talk to Lacey with her appearance with Hard Edge Radio. And as nice as she is, we’ve decided a second helping was in order.
So, pull up a chair and listen as we talk about her moment with Korn in an elevator and her dancing skills, along with the recently finished second book about her passion, and even a few other things you’ll just have to find out for yourself. She is currently on tour and if you happen to get a chance to see her with Otep, we highly recommend seeing them live.
Interview with Lacey Sturm:
After you get done checking out the interview, head over to our Facebook and throw us a ‘Like’ and let us know what you thought. Or, tweet us at our Twitter about the review or anything else you want to see get covered.
Lacey Sturm
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Carolina Rebellion
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