The Dead Daisies find their Holy Ground in London with a blistering show.

A hard rock supergroup that needs no introduction, despite having a fairly fluid line-up, The Dead Daisies have returned to the UK with Ozzy Osbourne & Black Sabbath drummer Tommy Clufetos and the voice of rock himself on vocals and bass – Mr Glenn Hughes.

Tonight the Daisies play a scorching set of hard rock. Showcasing songs from their latest album `Holy Ground` to fan favourites like `Lock N’ Load` and `Mexico`. The Daisies play a long and varied set. Doug Aldrich is a monster on lead guitar and one of the great players of his generation, while Dead Daisies mastermind David Lowy keeps things nicely tied down on rhythm.

There is a reason they call Hughes the voice of rock and indeed the vocal coach’s vocalist. At the ripe age of 70, Hughes is simply staggering, and still nailing stone-cold classics like Deep Purple’s `Mistreated` and the final encore `Burn`. Not only are they songs written into the very fibre of classic rock, but they are also songs that would floor a vocalist half Hughes’ age. It’s a thrilling way to end an explosive and very entertaining set tonight.

Old school rock and roll reprobates The Quireboys are the main support act and they kick things off in typical style. Frontman Spike looks the perfect figure in his white suit and headband, raising his mic stand high and swigging drinks between songs. Good time tunes like `There She Goes` and set-closing `7 O’Clock` go over a treat with the crowd tonight.

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Words: Kahmel Farahani

Photos: Eric Duvet

The Dead Daisies
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The Quireboys
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Grand Slam
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