Cinco De Mayo is a pretty big celebration here in Houston, Texas. Naturally, Sebastian Bach came to help us all celebrate it bringing his friends Santa Cruz, Tame Fury and Pulse Rate Zero for an epic night of music and fun.

Pulse Rate Zero was first on the bill. They began their set with their rendition of “The Walking Dead” as that lead into to a song called “Time Runs Low.”

Vocalist Jason Miesses’  voice shook the room with its strength. Drummer and “Brains of the outfit” Chris Ashford (drums) gave a solid performance.  Phil Larson on bass and The “Dynamic Duo” Jeremiah Shipley (lead guitar and vocals) and new addition Antho Mikel on rhythm guitar played off one another as they danced about for the entertainment of all. They closed their set with “Right Before Your Eyes.”

Tame Fury was up next with Michael MC Vey (vocals), Mark Bankston (guitar and vocals), Phred Williams (drums and vocals), and new addition to the fold, Dave Beselt (bass and vocals).

They opened with their new single, “Fallen,” followed by “Hell No,” which lead to a mass sing off with the audience and ended with “Diva,” another apparent crowd favorite. They are currently working on a new full-length CD due out the end of this year.

Santa Cruz came out to the ladies screaming over these beautiful boys from Finland.The lineup is Archie Cruz (vocals and guitar), Johnny Cruz (guitar and backing vocals), Middy Cruz (bass and backing vocals), and Taz Cruz (drums and backing vocals). Do not let their youth fool you; these guys are true showmen and tremendous musicians.

They began with a track off their self-titled release called “Bonafide Heros.” The bassist Middy used every bit of stage afforded to him to not just play; he thrashed and danced and seemed possessed.

Johnny, however, decided the stage was just not enough. He made full use of his wireless rig and proceeded to jump off the stage into the crowd playing his guitar to the delight of all.

Taz, aptly named, was indeed a devil on the drums. You could see the intensity in which he beat the skins.

They played “Velvet Rope,” “My Remedy,” “Bye Bye Babylon,” and other tracks off their 2015 release. They closed out their set with “Aiming High” and had the crowd so worked up that they were chanting “one more song,” but, that was not to be.

Finally, it was time for the main event,An Evening With Sebastian Bach, so named because of the intimate nature of the first half of his show; unplugged, stripped down, and bare for all to see and hear.

The band lineup includes Bobby Jarzombek (drums), Brent Woods (guitar and vocals),and Rob DeLuca (bass and vocals).

Sebastian met the crowd joyfully. He sang “Little Wing” to kick off the unplugged part of the set.

At one point, an excited fan held up a Skid Row album and Sebastian took it and smiled as he showed it off to the audience before handing it back. At another point, he took a fedora off a member of the audience and put it on for a bit. He was showing his people a good time. “18 and Life” had everyone singing in unison.

Rob Deluca lead the audience to clap. Brent Woods contorted his body as he played. Bobby Jarzombek arrived barefoot and gave his all on the drums.

He closed out his unplugged set with “I Remember You” giving Sebastian a chance to have fun and show off his full and beautiful range. He changed the lyric from “Oh my darling. I love you.” to “Hey Suzanne! I love you!” for his new fiance. His voice was booming with vibrato filling the space as he sang. The guys took a powder as the stage was reset for the second half of the show!

Sebastian gave an energetic performance with “Slave To The Grind” whipping people up in excitement by swinging his microphone like a lasso over the crowd. ‘Breaking Down” was another high-powered hit as well as “Monkey Business,” “Sweet Little Sister,” and “Rattlesnake Shake.” To ended their set with “Youth Gone Wild.”

This was one Cinco De Mayo for the books!

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Sebastian Bach
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Santa Cruz
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Tame Fury
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Pulse Rate Zero
Website | Facebook | Twitter

About The Author

Staff Photographer

Marissa "Mars" Puckett is a Houston based artist whose main focus is Artistic Portraiture Photography. "See Yourself The Way I See You." is more than just her tagline. It is her Mission. She wants to seduce her spectators by working closely with the client to create compositons and setting that create a dreamlike quality. "Artistic yet real" have been used to describe her work from satisfied clients. Her passion for art and photography drives her to push herself to continually learn new techniques and stay inspired. She captures a genuine look into your personality and lets your inner you be seen and shine through.