National Rock Review had the chance to sit down with Spencer D Maybe of A War Within, to talk about the band and the new album, SONS OF SATURN.

NRR: Is this album self-released and who did the album mixing?
Maybe: Yes, we recorded it ourselves, and it was mixed mainly by Nick Scott and one from Cory Brunnemann.
NRR: How did you guys get together to form the band, A War Within?
Maybe: (Laughing) That’s a super long story. Mike and I have known each other for years. And other than our drummer, Nate, we’re all friends of friends from all over the place.
NRR: Are you guys going to be play any shows in the near future, I’ve tried looking for info but couldn’t find anything?
Maybe: We have some things in the works but nothing booked. We’re in the works, looking for a tour at the moment. Our perfect tour would be Linkin Park, Korn, 30 Seconds to Mars, and A Day to Remember. At least, that’s what I feel. I feel like we could play with BVB, Linkin Park, and still fit in with bands like Volumes or Issues. We’re stoked to play in front of five or fifty-thousand.
NRR: I’ve seen two different descriptions of your sound, give me the official version of what your sound is.
Maybe: I can’t really pin point our sound to be honest. We’re kinda a rock band and kinda a metal band. We just like to start by writing a good song and then let the [fellas] pick the sound.
NRR: When writing a song is it a group effort or does everyone kind of add a part after the large percentage is done by the main song writer(s)?
Maybe: Each song we’ve [wrote] has been written differently. Some came easy and others were a struggle. I would [definitely] say that we start with one person’s complete idea. Whether it be an entire song or not and then we pick out what’s good and what’s not and each kinda “jizz” on it till we’re all vibing how its going.
NRR: How long have you guys been together playing officially?
Maybe: We’ve been officially united as a band on Aug 19, 2014.
NRR: Ok, cool. Two more and you can relax.
Maybe: (Laughing) I’m ready for more now, I’ve got my Jim Beam [Whiskey] flowing.
NRR: Tell me about Craig Mabbitt being on the track with you guys.
Maybe: Well, I think I’d make everyone else mad if I don’t mention them, but anyone listening to the tracks won’t know the entire Escape The Fate band during 2014 is on that song minus the drummer and bassist. We had a party at my house and invited them all over. It was a crazy situation. I had to track everything T.J. [Bell], Craig [Mabbitt], and Kevin [Gruft], I think his real name, is in under three hours while there was 50 plus people in my house partying including the awesome Max Green.
NRR: So, it was a completely spur of the moment kind of thing?
Maybe: Yes, they came to party and agreed to track that night. It’s like the old days, no? Just drop a track in the studio…
NRR: Last hard one, for anyone that hears the album for the first time, what would you want them to take away from it the most?
Maybe: We want people to feel something. We draw our inspiration from our lives past, present, and future. Our sound is inspired by our nature and moods. Our lyrics [are] always about experiences, thoughts, and vulnerabilities. Everything we do is motivated by each other and everyone that has pushed us together. Our first music video, “Holding On”, is all true material. It’s how we came up with the band name. We have a constant struggle with ourselves to do and continue what we love. There’s our band name right there. We laugh, we cry, we hurt, we feel moved and glorious. With those feelings that’s how we write our music. We became a band because we found each other and we have be driven to insane places together mentally and physically. [What] we want is to share our experiences. We know [what the] music means to us and we’re ready to work at it til we can’t anymore. I think I lost my point but we [definitely] want people to feel they are apart of us, our fans, our friends, and our family.

A War Within – “Holding On” (Official Music Video)

NRR: One more for the road. If a management company for band X calls up and says they want you to open for the group, what group is number one on the list for you guys to drop life to make that happen?
Maybe: (Thinking) That’s tough. I think the best for the band would probably be Black Veil Brides at the moment. But I think Linkin Park would do it as well and personally LP for the win. And that’s if we’re counting bands that are still alive and present[ly] relevant.
NRR: Just for laughs, if we got a photo of your cat made into a bass body would you sport it on the next tour? (laughing)
Maybe: Fuck yea! She would have to be made a little more evil though. She’s too cute for her own good!

A War Within – “Rawsome” (feat. Craig Mabbitt of Escape The Fate)

A War Within
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Escape The Fate
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Band photo by ~ Risto Thomas Photography

About The Author

After getting the photo bug in the far, past days of black and white film, Erich continued to develop his eye for photography which lead to stops in the sporting, art, wedding, and eventually concert music worlds. Now, doing more writing for National Rock Review, he has entered into the journey of getting to know the artists and the industry, not just the faces on the other side of the lens.