Queensrÿche and their Metal Mayhem tour stopped in Phoenix along with guests Quiet Riot, Slaughter, Gabbie Rae, and more.
Queensrÿche and their Metal Mayhem tour rolled into Phoenix, May 30, and were greeted enthusiastically. They opened the night with “Nightrider,†and followed up with a collection of songs spanning a wide selection from their career. Including favorites such as, “Silent Lucidity†and “Empire.†The crowd was happy to hear songs they have not heard live in quite some time. New singer Todd La Torre was fully up to the task and sounded great. The crowd chanted for an encore and were rewarded with “Jet City Woman†and two other songs.
Gabbie Rae opened the show and was a treat for those who showed up early. Slaughter followed up and kept the energy high. Quiet Riot took the stage and got the crowd going, encouraging them to come down from their seats past security and fill up the pit area. Drummer Frankie Banali took the microphone and insisted he had the authority to have everyone come down to the pit. Security initially kept people back but halfway through the next song they let everyone through. It was a fun moment and the crowd rewarded the band with a lot of energy and noise.
CC Deville, Rikki Rockett, Brandon Gibbs, and Bobby Dall playing the songs of Poison were up next. They dove right in and played many of their hits including, “Your Mama Don’t Dance†and “Unskinny Bop.†They made it clear they were happy to be there and put a lot of energy into their performance.
All the bands that played made a point of thanking the crowd for being there and for being so responsive.
National Rock Review’s photographer Jeff Niemoeller was in the front row to report.
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Quiet Riot
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