This much-anticipated tour went off as expected with lots of amazing Heavy Metal from two legendary Metal Bands.
Metal legends Motörhead and Saxon team up for the Motörhead U.S. 2015 Tour.
Saxon blew my mind when they hit the stage with Biff Byford’s strong vocals. They opened up with, “Battering Ram” the first single of their latest album set to release in October. With over 30 years in the heavy metal industry, the price of the ticket was money well spent just to watch these guys rip through their set.
Motörhead could not have picked a better band to tour with and seeing Saxon for the first time, I was Blown away. Check out their website for dates in your area.
Well, it was time for Motörhead to give the fans what they have been waiting for, Lemmy. With last years health problems heavy on the hearts of fans, this was a much-anticipated tour. A Motörhead show begins with Lemmy saying, “We are Motörhead and we play Rock n Roll.” With a setlist like an audio Heavy Metal history lesson you always know what you’re going to get with these guys. Plus, the fans ate it up as they marched through the set.
I’ve seen hundreds of shows in my life and honestly, it doesn’t get any better than the three guys on a stage pounding out pure metal, and watching Lemmy never gets old. You’ve got to get out and see this tour and Anthrax is also set to join this tour in September. Check out Motörhead’s website for tour dates and check out the killer new album Bad Magic it’s in stores now.
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