The Loving Touch in Detroit’s northern suburbs held the Women Who Rock showcase with Carolyn Striho, Rio Scafone, Keri Lynn Roche, and Maggie Cocco who was releasing a new album.

Maggie Cocco celebrated the release of her album “Get Me” on Saturday night at the Loving Touch in Ferndale, Michigan. She was joined by legendary lady of rock, Carolyn Striho and Rio Scafone along with her Rockabilly Revival and former American Idol contestant, Kerri Lynne Roche.

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Maggie Cocco
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Carolyn Striho
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Rio Scafone
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Kerri Lynne Roche
Website | Facebook | Twitter

About The Author

Jeannette is a music appreciator, freelance photographer and professional cat snuggler. Hailing from Berkley, MI she grew up with a camera in her hands and forayed that hobby into an expensive digital photography degree from a school in Chicago. She spent six years in Chicago mostly in dimly lit bars and venues photographing various bands. She developed an addiction to the photopit after a set of fortuious circumstances led her to posses a Press/VIP pass to the Pitchfork Music Festival. Upon her glorious return to the Detroit area and many menial day jobs later, that itch was still there. She balked everyone's (probably sage...) advice to go back to school and get a "real degree" to follow her passion for the thrill that only the pit provides.

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