The Cobra Lounge in Chicago, Illinois celebrated Friday the 13th in true metal fashion as they hosted the haunting metal sounds of EyeHateGod and Ringworm.

Chicago’s Cobra Lounge celebrated the superstitious Friday the 13th this past June in true horror fashion by hosting a killer metal show. There are only a few metal acts that come from the haunted city of New Orleans and if you could say something about all of them is that they bring a certain sense of melancholy blues laced intensity that is quintessential New Orleans. EyeHateGod (EHG) is of this ilk and does not disappoint when shredding out heavy stoner metal riffs that Black Sabbath and the like would be proud of.  Without basic blues, metal wouldn’t exist and it’s refreshing to hear bands who still hold this decree in the highest regard.  Since 1988, EHG has been representing the South by becoming one of the most respected metal acts from the region. After nearly 15 years, EHG just released a long-awaited self titled full length album now available on iTunes and Amazon.

Cleveland’s hardcore metal band Ringworm took the stage before EHG and they seemed to be right on par with them.  They rocked out to a  solid fan base just for them while bringing a solid set with energy, stage antics and proper small venue sweat and grind.  Having been a somewhat on and off again band since their inception in the early 90’s, dedicated fans were ecstatic to see them play live again and they had some of the coolest merchandise designs I’ve seen for a lesser known band in a long time.  They are currently touring for their long-awaited latest release  Hammer of the Witch released in March 2014.


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About The Author

Originally from Southern California and currently residing in Northeastern Indiana, Alex Savage is a Senior Photojournalist on staff who has been with us exclusively since the very beginning of Naional Rock Review. Specializing in rock and Scandinavian metal, she's known for her raw and moody style of music photography.