Breaking Benjamin, 10 Years and Starset came together to give Kansas City a night of rock, surprises and incredible music.
Kicking off the night is Starset out of Columbus, Ohio. With their unique brand of cinematic rock, they amazed fans in Kansas City. They entertained their audience with their music, futuristic costumes, and boundless energy.
Next up, keeping the frenzy alive, was 10 Years out of Knoxville, Tennessee. Without skipping a beat, frontman Jesse Hasek ran out on stage in a sapphire blue sequined gown sending the crowd into a loud roar of excitement. After the set, Hasek took the time to talk and take photographs with the fans.
Closing out this three band rock show was Breaking Benjamin out of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Coming out full force, they gave the crowd what they have been waiting for all night. The band performed songs from their new album, Dark Before Dawn, plus a few covers. From the crowds reactions, it is clear none left disappointed.
On hand tonight was National Rock Review photographer, Kelly Henshaw.
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Breaking Benjamin
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