The funding campaign for the pressing of a 12-inch colored vinyl compilation of songs about The Dark One by Volume Bomb Records has launched.

Volume Bomb Records is a very small, non profit record label based in Portland, OR. During a brainstorming session between Keith Littlefield and Jason Rocksmore, an ingenious idea was born; “Make the world’s greatest Satanic mix tape with amazing local bands performing their favorite hymns to Lucifer.” There are ten bands on this record ranging from spastic punk rock to doom metal and all stops in between.

To date, the label has released two previous compilation CD’s under the titles Blown Fuses Bloody Ears I and Blown Fuses Bloody Ears II, and a seven-inch vinyl sampler called Fist Full of Singles. This project is the indie label’s biggest endeavor to date and they are hoping to use this record as a springboard to put out more independent releases and compilations.

“We love this music, we love these bands and we love the rock and roll that this city is producing all the time. We want to share the noise with as many people as possible!”
– shared consensus

The label is funding the production and pressing of 500 colored vinyl 12 inch LP’s. This is a limited run, special edition project that is going to cost $3,000 to produce. The organizers of the project are using Indiegogo to help offset the cost so they can afford to make this record a reality. Estimated delivery date is targeted for the end of July and the campaign is running until March 1st.

Don’t miss your chance to support local music and be a part of Volume Bomb Records history.

The release will include Portland local bands performing covers from the associated acts:

Perfect Monster – Coven
The Thornes – Venom
The Mormon Trannys – Jayne County
Stumblebum – Ministry
Lexxi Vexx and the Modern Gentlemen – The Pagans
The Decliners – Motley Crue (guess which song…)
42 Ford Prefect – Venom (again!)
World War IV – The Sonics
The Shithouse Rats – Danzig
Disenchanter – Super Secret Bonus Track!

“We understand being fuckin broke. If you can’t contribute with your hard earned cash, don’t fret. You can still help out. By sharing this link you’ll help us spread the Devil’s music and subvert pious ears far and wide! Hail Satan and Crank the Gain!!!”
– Shared Volume Bomb affiliates

Under the Covers With SATAN Album funding

Volumebomb Records
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