An impressive amount of passion, effort, and manpower was utilized in Elsie Binx’s debut album, Smile and a Bullet.
To create the album, four backup singers, several guitarists, a pianist, organist, and renowned engineers — to name a few — were used. The seven tracks were completely funded via vocalist Erin Accomando’s Indiegogo page. Accomando kept her fans and donors updated and involved via social media throughout the whole recording process.
Smile and a Bullet was released October 27, 2016, but sounds like it in the early 90s. The album’s opening track, “Best of Me,” could easily replace the Party of Five theme song.
“Get up” has the same catchy, feel-good effect; Get up get out back to the grind / there’s a smile and a bullet with you in mind / Why stay down when you’re so close to shining. Very ‘Full House.’
While there’s no denying Elsie Binx’s vocal and instrumental talent, the sound is a little hard to identify. It falls somewhere between a 90s sitcom and the church channel. The track possesses a vibe when listening to “10 Ft” in particular. The sound is almost reminiscent of a gospel group with secular lyrics.
The album’s last track, “Maybe,” is worth noting. It’s an edgier song with a little more soul than the others. The opening piano and violin compliment each other and immediately hook you in a way that can’t be easily explained. The heavier guitar riffs are a pleasant surprise, too.
Smile and a Bullet isn’t something a younger pop-rock generation would be into, but it is a unique album filled with talented vocals, musicians, and passion. This song is a recommended listen if you’re feeling nostalgic and looking for something different.
Elsie Binx
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