The Veer Union Private Acoustic Performance Erich Morse 26-May-2016 Music Videos The music industry isn't what it used to be. Bands have come up with very creative ways to fill the money coffers to keep going. (more…)...
Hed P.E. at Realm in Toledo, OH on 07-May-2016 Erich Morse 25-May-2016 Concert Reviews Grab your radio, make sure the flashlight works and get into the cellar! There's a storm brewing and it's a F5 Jared blowing into Toledo! (more…)...
Shapeshifter By Smile Empty Soul Erich Morse 25-Mar-2016 Album Reviews Going back to old favorites and mixing in a few new songs isn't a bad way to make an EP record. And, it's no joke. (more…)...
Carolina Rebellion Artist Spotlight: Scottie Somerville of Artifas Erich Morse 27-Feb-2016 Carolina Rebellion, Events, Interviews Mama loving, beer drinking, out on tour, and still having the time of their lives describes Artifas to a tee. Let's go, brother, bottoms up! (more…)...
Decade By The Veer Union Erich Morse 11-Feb-2016 Album Reviews Ten years is a long time and a blink of the eye. This new album is a tribute to that time from first to current. (more…)...