Mac Sabbath Announces Cheesiest Tour Yet With Okilly Dokilly and Playboy Manbaby Sami LM 30-May-2019 Music News, Rock The American Cheese Tour 2019 Begins July 26 in Tempe, AZ. Tickets available now! (more…)...
Mac Sabbath at The Wonder Bar in Asbury Park, NJ on 10-Sep-2015 Jeff Crespi 12-Sep-2015 Concert Reviews What happens when you mix Black Sabbath and McDonald's burgers? Why Mac Sabbath, of course. (more…)...
Mac Sabbath at The Majestic Theater in Detroit, MI on 01-Sep-2015 Sami Lipp-Mosier 04-Sep-2015 Concert Reviews Mac Sabbath brought their own blend of high calorie, drive thru metal to The Majestic Theater in Detroit, MI with Sros Lords and Bronze Mambas. (more…)...