Vans Warped Tour ’16 Lineup Announced Andy Howe 07-Apr-2016 Music News The Vans Warped Tour '16 lineup is out, and fans are counting down the days till the tour comes to town. (more…)...
Fit For A King at Murray Hill Theatre in Jacksonville, FL on 12-Oct-2014 Julie Goldstein 18-Oct-2014 Concert Reviews Murray Hill Theatre was packed on this past Sunday night for a bill jam packed with Christian hardcore bands – seven to be exact. (more…)...
Concert Review: EMMURE and Thy Art Is Murder at The Magic Stick in Detroit, MI on 19-Mar-2014 Dennis Hall 22-Mar-2014 Concert Reviews The Mosh Lives Tour hit the dark streets of Detroit, Michigan on March 19, 2014, bringing sounds of some the heaviest acts in the country, including Sworn In, Gideon, Thy Art Is Murder, Volumes, and Emmure. ...
Emmure to headline “The Mosh Lives! Tour w/ Volumes, Thy Art Is Murder, Gideon & Sworn In Brian Michael Jacques 08-Jan-2014 Music News Queens N.Y. metallers and Victory Records recording artists Emmure have Just announce a Headlining run on The Mosh Lives! (more…)...