Show me an honest politician, and I’ll show you a clown that screams. Okay, screw politics, just bring on the screaming clown from Göteborg.

Avatar is a band rapidly gaining a following all over the world for the music and presence on stage. The band lineup is Johannes Michael Gustaf Eckerström (vocals), John Alfredsson (drums), Kungen (guitars), Tim Öhrström (guitars), and Henrik Sandelin (bass). We got a chance to talk with Johannes after returning from one heck of a boat ride. We hit on a few topics like their music, alligators, and even his iconic stage persona. Grab your sunscreen and let us walk a little on the strange side of metal.

Interview with Johannes Michael Gustaf Eckerström of Avatar:

If you happen to see the guys coming up on the festival season, or grab the new CD when it drops, let us know what you thought on our Facebook wall or on our Twitter.

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Carolina Rebellion
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Photo Above Credit: Sarah Carmody Photography

About The Author

After getting the photo bug in the far, past days of black and white film, Erich continued to develop his eye for photography which lead to stops in the sporting, art, wedding, and eventually concert music worlds. Now, doing more writing for National Rock Review, he has entered into the journey of getting to know the artists and the industry, not just the faces on the other side of the lens.