The Sword fulfills every fan’s expectation with a spectacular night of rock at their sold out performance at the Blind Pig.
The line outside the Blind Pig in Ann Arbor, Michigan is down the street and wrapped around the corner with fans eager for doors to open for a night filled with glorious rock music. As people are pouring in, Ann Arbor’s Blue Snaggletooth takes the stage. They have a large following at this show as there are many Blue Snaggletooth shirts glowing in the darkness. They kick things off with some new material off their Last Voyage of Amra EP. These tunes are heavy and the crowd shows their approval with enthusiastic cheers and horns held high. You would never guess from the playing and the crowd support that this band was a local opener and not part of the tour package. Blue Snaggletooth provides a superb show with all the burning majesty that you expect in rock music.
Catching murmurs in the crowd, the question most asked is, “Have you heard Royal Thunder?” From this statement, it appears that we are all together on our maiden voyage to experience the Atlanta-based four-piece. Upon the first contact with the band’s sound, an exhilarating rush of emotion crashes over us like a wave. The music twists and turns on the dynamic guitars of Josh Weaver and Will Fiore, then explodes in cascading drum lines of Evan Diprima and rock solid bass of Miny Parsonz. Faces in the audience are drawn to the powerful vocals of Miny Parsonz with good reason. Her voice covers a wide range and has an appealing gritty quality that adds depth to the emotional content of the band’s music. Royal Thunder leaves us with the glow of music that resonates in the sinewy strength that rock music provides the heart and mind.
The excitement is palpable as the audience sweats together in close quarters against the stage waiting for The Sword. The tension releases as the band hit us with “Tres Brujas.” Electric fury from the Les Pauls of J.D Cronise and Kyle Shutt get the fans moving. The set swings into some of the new music from the highly praised High Country, which sounds a bit heavier live, in particular, “The Dreamthieves.” The bass of Bryan Richie and drums of Jimmy Vela comes pounding down upon us with “Maiden, Mother, and Crone” and audience sways and churns with the beat.
Members of the audience scream for “Freya” and Kyle and J.DÂ have to quiet folks down for the subtle start of “Mist and Shadow.” This song is crushing live with delicate verse sections balanced with the bristling roar of the chorus. The fever from the music gets a crowd surfer floating on the wave of humanity surrounding the stage. It is not clear that many anticipated this type of action at the Blind Pig, but it sure is fun to witness.
There is little to no breaks between songs as the Sword keeps the pace brisk and plows through their hefty catalog of music. The fans love every moment and the Blind Pig remains packed through the final song. Each band offered a unique perspective on rock music and gave everyone at the Blind Pig their money’s worth and more with this performance.
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The Sword
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Royal Thunder
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