One day. Four stages. 20 bands. This is what Rockstar Mayhem music festival is. This traveling rocking road show is making its way across the country.

The Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem 2014 tour kicked off in California on July 5, its second stop being a day later in Mountain View. Rockstar Mayhem has gone on since 2008. The festival lineup this year is as follows: Avenged Sevenfold, Korn, Asking Alexandria, Trivium, Cannibal Corpse, Suicide Silence, Miss May I, Mushroomhead, Texas Hippie Coalition, King 810, Body Count, Upon a Burning Body, Veil of Maya, Darkest Hour, Emmure, Ill Niño, Wretched, Islander, Erimha.

Our photographer, Kenny Sinatra, was on site to capture moments from many of the bands.

Asking Alexandria:

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Avenged Sevenfold:

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Body Count:

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Cannibal Corpse:

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Darkest Hour:

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Ill Nino:

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Texas Hippie Coalition:

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Suicide Silence:

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Miss May I:

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Upon A Burning Body:

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Veil of Maya:

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