Rancid kick off 2016 by playing two nights of …And Out Come the Wolves at the Warfield in San Francisco.

Celebrating the 2oth anniversary of their seminal …And Out Come the Wolves, Rancid played the record from front to back on two consecutive nights in San Francisco, proving that the songs withstand the test of time and sound just as good, if not better.

Opening with “Maxwell Murder,” Rancid tore through the record with just as much energy as when it was released. Frontman Tim Armstrong jumped from his road case at the front of the stage while trading vocal duties fellow guitarist Lars Frederiksen on multiple occasions as the band played “Roots Radicals”, “Time Bomb,” and “Disorder and Disarray.” After wrapping up their set with “The Way I Feel,” they returned to the stage for an encore of “Fall Back Down,” “I Wanna Riot,” “Honor Is All We Know,” “Black and Blue,” and “Radio.” It was the perfect way for the punks to ring in the new year.

Direct support on this particular evening came from OFF! who quite simply nailed it. Ripping through well over 20 songs in about 45 minutes, Keith Morris and company gave the kids a taste of straight up old school punk rock. Guitarist Dimitri Coats was on fire and his riffs, along with Morris’ frantic delivery, stood out on “Void You Out,” “Now I’m Pissed,” and “Panic Attack” to name a few. The band owned every inch of the stage, but unfortunately, their time was all too brief.

Opening the show on both nights were The Interrupters, an LA-based band who got the crowd on it’s feet with their ska-inspired punk rock. Letting their music do the talking, they were the perfect band to open the show.

All in all, it was a perfect evening. With Rancid in the studio working on a new album, hopefully, it is a taste of things to come.

National Rock Review photographer, Raymond Ahner, was on hand to report.

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About The Author

Raymond Ahner is a professional freelance photographer residing in San Francisco, California. Growing up in the Bay Area, Raymond was lucky enough to witness both the Punk and Thrash Metal scene of the 1980's explode literally right in front of his eyes. It was a pretty special time in his life, and is what instilled his love for live music. Over the years Raymond has been fortunate enough to combine his passion for live music with his love of photography. And although he will always love shooting the big arena Rock show, it is in a tiny, packed to the rafters club were he his most at home with his gear.